Sunday, May 31, 2009

Float Trip Cost

Okay guys, here is the scoop. ( I always feel like this is the Debbie Downer portion of the float trip announcements. I am sure most of us can remember when this part of the prep didn't turn out so well....)

I reserved 9 canoes for a total cost of $7.50 per person ($15 per canoe).
The total cost for each person is as follows:
$16 for canoe + $5 for camping = $21 per person.

The following folks have had their canoe reserved by ME so they owe $7.50 per person to me and $13.50 to Maggards:
Ian, Cara, Al, Jon, Brooke, Justin, Tiffani, Chris, Jackie, Smitty, Christina, Mark, Amanda, Amanda's guest, Debbie, Josh, Amy, Sam

If you were not on that list and are coming to the float trip (and floating) please make sure that Maggard's has a canoe for you! Their number is 1-888-546-9788 or They usually have plenty, but you may want to make sure.

Our campsite is reserved under NAU.

Can't wait to see all of you there!!!!

1 comment:

  1. If anyone forgets the reservation name just think of th e sound a llama makes!
